Prepare for DORA Compliance

Safeguard Your Financial Operations

Ensure your organisation is ready for the January 2025 deadline. The Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) impacts all financial institutions and service providers operating within the EU, including those outside the EU offering services to EU-based entities. With enforcement starting on January 17, 2024, DORA sets out to standardise risk management, improve incident reporting, and ensure operational resilience across the financial sector. Compliance is critical to avoid penalties, secure customer trust, and maintain market stability.


Get the Guide

Discover how leading organisations are preparing for DORA compliance. This guide provides actionable insights on meeting regulatory requirements, strengthening operational resilience, and ensuring your data protection strategies are up to par. Download the full guide now.

What does DORA set out to achieve?


Standardise Risk Management Practices – DORA seeks to harminise risk management across the financial sector, ensuring all institutions adhere to a unified standard.

Risk Management


Enhance Incident Reporting – The regulation introduces clear guidelines for reporting significant ICT-related incidents, ensuring timely communication with regulatory authorities.

Incident Reporting


Boost Operational Resilience – DORA aims to fortify the financial sector against digital disruptions, ensuring that essential services remain operational during crises.

Operational Resilience

Three Steps to Prepare for DORA Compliance

Conduct a Gap Analysis

Evaluate your current practices against DORA’s requirements to identify areas that need improvement.

Develop an Action Plan

Outline the steps necessary to close identified gaps, set clear goals, and assign responsibilities within your organisation.

Engage Stakeholders and Allocate Resources

Ensure all relevant teams are aligned, and allocate the necessary budget and resources for successful DORA implementation.