“Organizations that give users access to a curated catalog of data realize 100% more business value from analytics investments.”
Data Risk Protection
Risk is a crucial consideration for enterprise decision-making that often leads to compromise.
To minimize data risk, most companies maximize data lockdown. Disruptors and competitors will innovate faster and take market share while your teams wait to access their data. Protegrity turns the traditional model upside down. Our platform meets the most stringent industry compliance requirements while increasing access to data.
The threat of ransomware grows as more sensitive data travels off-server, thanks to remote working conditions and the increasing need for data access. Fight back with Protegrity Vaultless Tokenization to locally de-identify new and existing PII at the source before sensitive data is transferred to and from on-premise, hybrid, or cloud databases.
Protegrity delivers quantum-resistant vaultless tokenization, enabling alphabet, format, and length-preserving data protection for the world’s Unicode-based languages. Trust Protegrity to future-proof your solutions.
Intentional insider hacking and simple user errors increase the threat of data breaches, leaks, ransomware, and more. Traditional methods of data protection may not protect your data off-server or in the gaps. Businesses trust tokenization and Protegrity Vaultless Tokenization (PVT) to ensure that their sensitive data remains persistently protected anywhere.
De-Risk Enterprise Data
“By deploying Protegrity’s platform, a Top-5 Global Bank experienced a 126% ROI after just 8 months.”
Take the next step
See how Protegrity’s fine grain data protection solutions can enable your data security, compliance, sharing, and analytics.
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