Protected Data Drives Business Growth & Innovation

Keep sensitive data secure on or off-server and drive business growth through new opportunities
with advanced data sharing, utilization, and access control.

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Accelerate Cloud Migration

Enable data sharing

Data Sharing is the key to unlocking business growth. Businesses that can share data externally with vendors, supply chains, and partners will experience 3X more economic benefits than those that can’t according to Gartner.

Protegrity enables organizations to flexibly aggregate and analyze sensitive data across business and geographic borders while maintaining baseline data security and privacy.


The Cloud is not a destination; it is a medium that delivers new tools and capabilities to differentiate your business. Your most valuable data — customer data — is often locked on-premises and away from the tools that could deliver new sources of business value.

Protegrity protects data across your enterprise’s hybrid architecture, allowing it to be safely used in cloud data warehouses, SaaS applications, and analytical tools. We enable sustained competitiveness for businesses by offering innovation teams access to a wider range of analytical tools and accelerating vendor onboarding.

Accelerate Time to Revenue

Applications that will deliver new customer experiences and revenue growth are also highly susceptible to vulnerabilities, risking the exposure of sensitive customer data. Security review processes are cumbersome and iterative, slowing business growth with new applications and models.

Protegrity directly and persistently protects sensitive data in your applications. Our centralized policy and decentralized enforcement enable developers to deliver data security and privacy within their applications to meet the most stringent industry standards.

Transform Security from a Restrictor to an Enabler

Don’t leave your data locked away. Our persistent protection and advanced access control capabilities empower the right parties to share and access crucial data, enabling companies to use sensitive information to enable business and revenue growth.

Learn more about our data protection platform here

Take the next step

See how Protegrity’s fine grain data protection solutions can enable your data security, compliance, sharing, and analytics.

Get an online or custom live demo.

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