Why Standard Approaches to Cloud Data Security Fall Short

By Protegrity
Sep 6, 2024


2 min

Traditional cloud data protection methods often fail to secure sensitive data across multiple environments. Protegrity’s platform offers a robust solution, ensuring data is protected without compromising agility, enabling businesses to innovate securely. Learn more here.

Prioritizing cloud security looks different for every business. However, many businesses migrating to the cloud rely on conventional data security methods, including built-in tools from cloud providers and ad hoc measures. Unfortunately, these traditional approaches often fall short, leaving critical gaps in protection and hindering true cloud-powered innovation. Ensuring secure cloud services are multifaceted, let’s dive deeper into the impacts, strategies, and solutions.  

The Business Impact and Risks 

Relying on conventional cloud data security presents several risks: 

  • Inconsistent Protection: Ad hoc security measures lead to inconsistent data protection, making compliance and data safety difficult. 
  • Scalability Issues: Built-in security tools from cloud providers often don’t scale well with growing, complex cloud environments. 
  • Operational Inefficiencies: Customizing security for each project is time-consuming and resource-intensive, diverting focus from core activities. 
  • Missed Business Opportunities: Without robust data security, businesses can’t fully leverage the cloud’s potential for innovation and competitive advantage. 

These risks have tangible business impacts. Inconsistent data protection exposes businesses to breaches and compliance violations, resulting in fines and loss of customer trust. Scalability issues hinder cloud initiative growth, limiting market responsiveness. Operational inefficiencies waste resources and slow business progress. Missing innovation opportunities means falling behind competitors. 

Protegrity’s Value: Cloud Security Best Practices & Solutions 

Protegrity offers a modern, comprehensive approach to cloud data security that addresses these limitations: 

  • Unified Security Strategy: Protegrity provides a centralized data security policy governing all applications and use cases, ensuring consistency and compliance. Our Enterprise Security Administrator (ESA) helps manage this centralized control effectively. 
  • Scalable Solutions: Protegrity’s tools are designed to scale with your business, providing robust protection across diverse cloud environments. 
  • Operational Efficiency: Implementing a unified security strategy reduces the need for custom solutions, allowing businesses to focus on innovation. 
  • Unlocking Potential: With comprehensive data security, businesses can confidently pursue cloud-powered innovation, knowing their data is protected. 

Protegrity’s unified security strategy eliminates inconsistencies from ad hoc measures. Centralizing data protection policies ensures all cloud projects adhere to high-security standards, simplifying compliance and enhancing data governance.
Scalability is a key advantage of Protegrity’s solutions. As cloud environments grow and become more complex, Protegrity’s tools scale accordingly, ensuring ongoing protection without vulnerabilities.
Protegrity utilizes multiple protection methods such as dynamic data masking, tokenization, encryption, access control, and monitoring. These robust protection methods enable businesses to innovate securely and confidently.
Operational efficiency improves with Protegrity. Reducing the need for customized security measures allows resources to be allocated more effectively, focusing on strategic objectives and accelerating cloud adoption and innovation.
By choosing Protegrity’s comprehensive approach, businesses can overcome the limitations of traditional cloud security. This not only enhances protection but also drives operational efficiency and fosters innovation. Protegrity’s solutions provide the flexibility and scalability needed to stay ahead in a competitive market. 

To learn more about Protegrity’s secure cloud services and cloud data protection, check out our full eBook here.   

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